Service Dept – Operations Management Consultancy

“21st Century Service” for those dealerships who understand customer service excellence is the key to customer retention.

We have a customer experience standard we know you’ll want your staff to live up to. What’s involved and how do you get there? “21st Century Service” was developed as a training and compliance program, designed to win over staff by explaining the need to follow a service standard expected of them and the positive impact it will have on their daily role in the service department. This program involves training and compliance of service managers, receptionists, service advisors and workshop controllers.

Interested? – make contact below.

Our 21st Century Service includes

  • Seven over arching standards – Bookings, Check-in, Workflow Management, Customer Updates, Handover, Follow Up, Marketing.
  • It all starts with a review by senior management on all elements of the Program and priority areas to focus on and a tailored program built and quoted on.
  • Agreement signed and Program deliverables are customised and program delivery schedule is planned.
  • Program “Review One” is completed along with onsite at job training on the standards to be met.
  • Program initial summary is built and presented to senior management.
  • “Review two” is planned and executed after service staff have had agreed time to initiate and make changes to their workflow.
  • Program final summary is built and presented to senior management with any further action required to meet the standards of service managed internally.